

十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 had its beginning in the period that witnessed the emergence of the United States of America as an independent nation, the Methodist Church’s birth in America, and Franklin County and Louisburg Town’s establishment.

Settlers founded Franklin County in 1779 and named it in honor of Benjamin Franklin. Surveyors of Louisburg, a tribute to King Louis XVI of France, set a public commons 在最高处. This town commons, which became famous for its oak grove, is the 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 campus’s location today. 

十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 evolved from three earlier institutions: 富兰克林男子学院, 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名女子学院, and 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名女子学院.  这是最古老的包机 two-year, church-related, co-educational college in the nation.


的 富兰克林男子学院 received its first charter in 1787 and officially opened on January 1, 1805, under Yale graduate Matthew Dickinson’s able direction. 课程 available to students included English Grammar, geography, Latin, Greek, algebra, 测量和天文学. A large audience of trustees and parents performed the first students’ examinations on July 2, 1805. That two-story academy building still stands and serves as a reminder of the beginning of Louisburg’s educational opportunities. 现在这里是 Tar River Center for History and Culture.


的 second stage in 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s evolution began on December 27, 1814, when the state legislature ratified the 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名女子学院 charter. 主题教 at the new female academy included reading, writing, English Grammar, arithmetic, geography, painting, drawing, embroidery, piano, and dancing. 19世纪50年代,之后 much success, the trustees renamed the female academy Louisburg Female Seminary. 的 seminary courses were history, botany, algebra, rhetoric, chemistry, geology, logic, French, Latin, Greek, guitar, and calisthenics. 的 respectable reputation of the seminary contributed to a movement to establish a female college.


的 third stage of 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s evolution began in January 1855, when the state legislature authorized the transfer of property by 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名女子学院’s trustees to 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名女子学院 Company’s directors. 的 directors moved the Female Academy building south of its original location and utilized it as a college annex until a 1927年大火烧毁了它. 的 directors constructed a four-story, fifty-room brick Greek revival style building for the female college in 1857.  它位于西边 campus, where the female academy building had formerly stood. 这个建筑,现在叫做 Old Main, is still in use today as the administrative building of 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, several significant changes took place 在大学里. 的 Duke family of Durham bought the establishment for $5,450 in 1891, and the institution became known as 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名. 是杜克家族捐赠的 to the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church in 1907. 其他的变化 in the early 1900s included expanding the campus by constructing the Davis 建筑, the west wing of Main 建筑, the Pattie Julia Wright Dormitory, and the Franklin 建筑. Most importantly, it was the reorganization of the college into an institution 拥有大专学历.

十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 became co-educational in 1931, and student enrollment immediately 增加.  In 1952, the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools accredited 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名. In 1956, a planning committee of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church recommended establishing two co-educational senior colleges and 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s merger into one of the institutions. 大学校友和 the citizens of Franklin County joined in opposing the merger. A“把十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名留在。 首页" campaign emphasized the depth of local support for the 专科学校. 在回应 to this endeavor, the Conference decided to retain 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 as an accredited 专科学校.

A period of revitalization and growth occurred during the 1950s - 1970s. 学院 significantly 增加 student enrollment and improved the faculty size, budget, 和物理工厂. In 1961, the college purchased the Mills High School property on the east side of 主要街道 and remodeled the building to serve as the college 礼堂的教室. Over the next couple of decades and after a $4.200万活动 was surpassed, the college constructed four dormitories, a 图书馆, a cafeteria, an auditorium/theatre complex, a student center, the Taft classroom building, and the 本森教堂.


For over 235 years, 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 has been a place where opportunity grows for 学生、教师和工作人员. We continue to celebrate the College's history and its legacy as the oldest private, two-year residential college in the nation.